Biology, asked by uuuuuddddduuuuu, 1 year ago

Make a project file on any five communicable diseases, covering the following points.
a) Name of the disease
b) Pathogen
c) Vector (if any)
d) Symptoms
e) Measure of prevention


Answered by ankitgupta82


c) Vector (if any)

Mark as Brainlist

Answered by sabs2782


1) common cold

a) name of the disease - common cold

b) pathogen - more than 100 strains of viruses

c) vector -

  • it spreads mostly through the nasal and oral discharge of the patient in the process of talking , laughing , sneezing , etc.
  • It may also spread through contaminated objects like handkerchief , bedding, clothes , utensils , toilet articles , etc. ( called fomites).

d) symptoms -

  • inflammation of upper respiratory passage
  • flow of mucous
  • headache , slight rise in temperature , etc.
  • It lowers body resistance , leading to a number of secondary infections like pneumonia.

e) measures for prevention -

there are no effective measures to control common cold . However, eating nutitious food, avoiding contact with patients and wearing suitable clothing are suggested , to avoid common cold.

2) Tuberculosis

a) name of the disease - tuberculosis

b) pathogen - Mycobacterium tuberculosis c) vector -

  • it is transmitted through air
  • large number of bacteria are expelled through the sputum of the patients while eating , sneezing, talking, laughing and so on. The droplets containing viable germs may remain suspended in the air for a long time and the waxy cell walk of the tuberculosis bacillus prevents it from drying up and thus can remain viable outside the body for a long period . The germs suspended in the air may be inhaled by a healthy person .

d) symptoms-

  • the affected parts develop lessions in the form of small nodules called tubercules from which , the disease gets its name.
  • persistent cough
  • loss of body weight

e) measures of prevention-

  • keeping oneself healthy and avoiding unsanitary conditions , overcrowding and poor-ventilation.
  • sunlight and fresh air are important agents that act as natural disinfectants , readily destroying the germs.
  • isolation of the patients and frequent sterilization of articles used by them are also important .
  • incineration of clothes containing the sputum of the patients can prevent infection.
  • immunization with BCG vaccine is an effective measures to prevent this disease.

3) a) name of the disease- typhoid

b) pathogen- Salmonella typhi

c) transmission -

  • through food and water
  • personal contact with patient.
  • housefly is a vector

d) symptoms -

  • persistent fever
  • inflammation and ulceration of the intestine
  • enlargement of spleen and a characteristic red spot eruption on the abdomen

e) preventive measures -

  • isolation of the patients
  • control of flies
  • hygenic food habits
  • proper sanitation
  • artificial immunization with typhoid vaccine

4) a) name of the disease - amoebic dysentry

b) pathogen - Entamoeba histolytica

c) vectors - housefly

d) symptoms -

  • fever
  • constipation , abdominal pain and cramps
  • stools with excess mucous or blood clot

e) preventive measures - drinking filtered and boiled water ,eating hygenic food and maintaining proper sanitation.

5) a) name of the disease - ringworm

b) pathogen -

  • Epidermophyton
  • Microsporum
  • Trichophyton

c) transmission - by direct contact or through fomites ( Combs , towels, etc.)

d) symptoms -

  • superficial infections in skin , hair, nail , etc. for patches and itching

e) preventive measures -

avoid contact with infected persons and things used by them.

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