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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Content Creation Project
This project aims to develop content in the COVID 19 category and also the Respiratory and Mental Health Sections of Physiopedia as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We intend to populate the site with practical, credible and thought-provoking information on all aspects of management of individuals with a diagnosis of COVID-19. The project was launched on 11th March when the World Health Organisation declared the virus a Pandemic. The first part of the project focused on creating content for the Coronavirus Free Online Course which was launched on 15th March 2020.
Phase One
Pages Created for Course Coronavirus Disease Programme. The pages below were created/reviewed for the first part of the course and are being constantly updated as new information emerges.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Hand Hygiene
Infection Prevention and Control
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respiratory Management of COVID 19
Role of the Physiotherapist in COVID-19
Social Distancing
Phase Two - Life After Coronavirus
This is being developed by the Physiopedia Team as part of the Topic of the Month for April. There is currently a lot of discussion on the aftermath of COVID 19, although it is not completely past us there are a lot of people recovering with continued needs. As many of the current topics focus on rehabilitation and mental health not only of patients but health workers too we decided to review the following categories
Mental Health
When creating and reviewing pages remember the key points are:
Adding/reviewing images – check the copyright status
Adding/reviewing videos - remember to reference your videos and also check that video links are still active
Including Good Quality References - using the Vancouver Style of Referencing
Formatting the page so that all our pages have a similar, recognisable style
Ensure that the text is original and not copied directly from other sources
Where possible link to other Physiopedia pages
Ensure that it includes an informative section on Physiotherapy Interventions – supported by evidence
Add to relevant Categories
A list of open online resources that we can link to
Pages to Create
Please let us know if you think we should include anything else in this list!
COVID-19: Shorter Term Health Considerations (Laura Ritchie)
COVID-19: Medium-to-Longer Term Health Considerations (Laura Ritchie)
ICU Acquired Weakness (Tolulope ADENIJI)
Post-acute mental health conditions and evaluation (both patients and HCPs) e.g. depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief/bereavement
Telehealth - how assessments can take place via web conferencing for MSK/non-COVID patients (i.e. how do you objectively measure someone you can only see on camera and who doesn't have your equipment?) Currently on hold - pages being developed by Physioplus Team
Post COVID-19: Outpatient Assessment (Selena Horner)
Hypercapnia (Abbeygail Wright)
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (Donald John Auson)
The Lung Flute - An Acoustic Device for Airway Clearance (Arnold D'Souza)
Pursed Lip Breathing (Anas Mohamed M)
Positive Pressure Ventilation Using a Bag Valve Mask (Arnold D'Souza)
Early Mobilisation the ICU (Ashmita Iora Davania Patrao)
Tracheostomy Weaning (Natalie Patterson)
Lung Recruitment Maneuver (Manisha Shrestha)
Post-Operative Pulmonary Complication (Ronald Yip)
Glossopharyngeal Breathing (Anas Mohammed)
Physiotherapy and Pilates to Improve Pulmonary Function (Eugenie Lamprecht)
Clinical Triaging Considerations for Telehealth (Ashmita Patrao)
COVID-19 and Nutrition (Wanda Van Niekerk)
Pages to Review
Lung training / breathing practice
Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Mental health - approaches, effect on chronic conditions, psychological aspects of health etc
Outcome Measures/Assessment tools that could be used for post-COVID patients (e.g. 6MWT, hand grip, balance, proprio, Quality of Life)
Please feel free to browse through the categories above but below are a few suggestions on pages that could be reviewed and updated.
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (Kim Jackson)
ICU Delirium (Uchechukwu Chukwuemeka)
Pneumonia (Nikhil Benhur Abburi)
Respiratory Failure (Abbey Wright)
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Sarcoidosis (Kim Jackson)
Lung Anatomy
Lung Volumes
Trachea and larynx
Upper respiratory airways
Bronchiolitis (Donald John Auson)
Chronic Bronchitis
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (Vidya Acharya)
Muscles of Respiration (Khloud Shreif)
Physiotherapy Management of Traumatized Diaphragm (Marleen Moll)
Breathing Pattern Disorders (Khloud Shreif)
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis
Exercise Induced Asthma
Respiratory Muscle Training (Khloud Shreif)
All pages in Respiratory System - Assessment and Examination
All pages in Respiratory Disease - Interventions
Pages in the Mental Health Category
These are some resources that you might find useful: