Make a project file on “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” about Differently abled children using
pictures , real life stories. It is about 4-5 pages.
dominant problem in the disability field is the lack of access to education for both children
and adults with disabilities. As education is a fundamental right for all, enshrined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and protected through various international
conventions, this is a very serious problem. In a majority of countries, there is a dramatic
difference in the educational opportunities provided for disabled children and those provided
for non-disabled children. It will simply not be possible to realize the goal of Education for All
if we do not achieve a complete change in the situation.”
Addressing this widely recognized need for change, the Dakar Framework for Action adopted a
World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) in 2000, which affirmed the notion of education as a
fundamental right and established the new millennium goal to provide every girl and boy with primary
school education by 2015. EFA also clearly identified Inclusive Education as one of the key strategies to
address issues of marginalization and exclusion. The fundamental principle of EFA is that all children
should have the opportunity to learn. The fundamental
should have the opportunity to learn together. Significant numbers of disabled children and youth are largely excluded from educational. opportunities for primary ...