Make a research report on " NOISE POLLUTION IN KARACHI CITY".
Your report should be on A4 size papers which should include
Types, Effects, Consequences and measures to control Noise Pollution
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Among all the creatures of the Almighty God, human
being is the only one who has mastered the art of dis-
rupting his environment with noise of such proportions
as deemed utterly intolerable in this world. Any un-
wanted sound produced by humans or machines is
with communication, work, rest, recreation or sleep.1,2
The menace of noise is an open secret and excessive
noise is undoubtedly detrimental to human health and
hearing. Immediate effects of noise are in terms of
annoyance, but its cumulative effects result in either
temporary or permanent hearing loss.3
Several stud-
ies demonstrated the adverse effects of noise on car-
diovascular system, autonomic nervous system and
psyche.4-6 It is a well known fact that persistent noise
can lead to hypertension, hyperprotienemia and hy-
perlipidosis, nevertheless, the most deleterious effect
Noise is a ubiquitous environmental hazard of the
modern world, originating from a wide variety of
sources including traffic, which plays a dominant role
in noise pollution. 11 About 60% of the population in
the European Union is exposed to excessive road traf-
fic noise.6
Indeed, traffic noise has created a global
crises as a result of which, almost the whole world is
crying out for help. Published data from all over the
world is a witness to that.12-16
Karachi is the biggest, bustling Metropolis in Pakistan.
Its estimated population is around 15 million. About 5
million vehicles ply on its roads. No wonder this city is
facing an enormous problem of uncontrolled traffic
noise emanating from a wide variety of sources such
as; Motorcycles, Autorikshaws, Cars, Wagons, Mini-
buses & Buses, Trucks, Tractors, Water tankers, Bull-
dozers and Machine drills etc.2,17
We selected two major roads of the Karachi city for
our study, owing to the observation that most of the
commuters plying those two roads, either to their work
or business or back home. With this, we aimed at de-
termining the level of traffic noise people were ex-
posed to on a daily basis in the city of Karachi and
discuss, in the light of international standards, the
amount of risk to their health and hearing which they
were subjected to, hitherto unawares.
This is a descriptive, cross sectional study carried out
at carefully chosen busy locations in different areas of
Karachi, utilizing six consecutive working days in the
last week of August 2008. Six different sites were
selected for study i.e. Guru Mandar (M.A Jinnah
Road), Opposite K.M.C building (M.A Jinnah Road),Merewether Tower (M.A Jinnah Road), Main Shahrah-
e-Faisal (Opposite Shah Faisal Colony), Malir Main
Road, Pioneer Fountain Phase II (Residential area as
a control), a newly constructed and inhabited area
without much traffic (Table No I).
All Recordings were made by same persons. Kamplex
sound level meter (SLM3) with built-in calibrated con-
denser microphone was used for all recordings. Micro-
phone was guarded by polyurethane windscreen. All
measurements were made at slow response. Univer-
ments were used in this study.
Measurements were made at 09.00 am, 11.00 am,
01.00 pm, 03.00 pm, 05.00 pm, 07.00 pm, 09.00 pm
and 11.00 pm. At each site and at each recording, the
sound level meter was mounted on a tripod at a uni-
form height of 01 meter from the ground, on the kerb.
At the six selected sites, six consecutive days were
consumed, designating one whole day for the re-
cording at one site, starting from Monday. Same team
of persons recorded the noise level at two hourly inter-
vals at aforementioned timings. Every two hours on
the hour, five measurements were made at intervals of
three minutes each and a mean value was recorded
as a sample. In addition to measuring the level of
noise, all passing vehicles were counted and re-
corded. Microsoft Excel was used to compare the
noise levels between commercial and residential ar-
eas of Karachi (Table No: II).
Two extra days were spent in evaluating traffic noise
levels during peak hours (01.00 p.m. to 02.00 p.m.)
and non-peak hours (10.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.) at im-
portant, busy locations in Karachi (Table No: III).
Two major roads of the city namely M.A Jinnah Road
and Shahrah-e-Faisal were selected for study. Air traf-
fic noise, Railway stations, vendors with their loud-
speakers and loud music played on certain vehicles
were all excluded from the study.