English, asked by deepshilasanu9203, 1 year ago

make a sentence with the phrase far beyond one's means


Answered by Striker10


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To win a nobel prize, is far beyomd ones means if he is lazy

Answered by presentmoment

A second trip to Lonavala this year is far beyond our means.


  • This is an idiom. Far beyond our means something which is too costly than one can afford. The resources that one needs to afford something may be less, hence people may use this phrase to express their displeasure.
  • This idiom is in usage since the time Shakespeare has written measure for measure. An idiom is a phrase whose meaning cant be understood that easily as ordinary words are not used to create idioms.

Learn more about Idioms:

(1) Find proverbs, maxims and Idioms related to 'friendship'.


Give the meaning of the following idioms:

i to have an axe to grind.

ii to hit below the belt.

iii to be a wet blanket

iv to bury the hatchat

v sit on the fence


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