make a short story how you can help doctors in defeating COVID 19 by character of your choice ....
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NEW DELHI: As the worldwide number of positive coronavirus cases rises across the world, some people, who have recovered from the infection, are sharing their stories of survival with the world.
From sharing tips on how not to lose hope to utilising their time in the hospital, lot of people who have recovered from COVID-19 are thanking the medical staff for taking care of them.
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पातितोऽपि कराघातै-रुत्पतत्येव कन्दुकः।प्रायेण साधुवृत्तानाम-स्थायिन्यो विपत्तयः॥2॥
जिस प्रकार हाथ से पटकी हुई गेंद भी भूमि पर गिरने के बाद ऊपर की ओर उठती है, प्रकार सज्जनों का बुरा समय अधिकतर थोड़े समय के लिए ही होता है। jsjzbzjsbxbbzvz
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