make a story on yesterday I visited old age home where I saw so many old age people lived.It was very nice day as I met them,they were so loved. complete the story in 100 words.
Yesterday I visited old age home, where I saw so many old age people lived. It was very nice day as I met them, they were so loved. The old people loved me like I was their own granddaughter/ grandson. Even if they lived in the old age home happily, but they missed their homes very much. They were very happy to meet me, as people don't visit them everyday. I chatted with them and gave them some homemade cookies. They were so happy to get the cookies. They also told me about their life stories that how they reached in that old age home. One of the old ladies told me that, her son and his wife lived in Ottawa, Canada, North America. One day, her son called her and said that she could also go to America to live with him. But when her son took her to the airport, he took her luggage, which was full of money, her clothes and precious jewelleries and left his mother in the airport. By luck, some kind people sent the old lady to the old age home. Another old man told me about his story that, his son and his wife told him that they couldn't take care of him anymore as he was very old and they had to also take care of their child. So, they sent the poor old man to the old age home, but they never came back to meet him. In this way, many of the old people told me about their stories. I felt very sad for those old people. These old people want nothing in return, except their families' love. while returning back, I promised them that I would come back to them and would again love them.
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