make a table showing percentage of different blood groups. make a bar graph between blood group and its percentage among people.
blood group system was the fi rst human blood group system to be discovered. 1. Subsequent to the discovery of blood groups by Landsteiner and advancement in its study many workers tried to fi nd out associations between blood groups and the incidence of various diseases. For example, strong associations have been described between O blood group and peptic ulcer. 2 A blood group and gastric carcinoma. 3 AB blood group and carcinoma cervix 4 , and so on. In the recent times, according to research done by Swedish scientists, the risk of being infected by Human Immunode fi ciency Virus (HIV) may be determined by the presence of the carbohydrate based blood group moiety P k . Individuals with high P k levels exhibited a greater natural resistance to HIV infection. 5. World literature has few articles describing associations between HIV infection and blood groups .With this background, an attempt was made in this study to create a blood group database in HIV seropositives both adult and paediatric to ascertain the distribution of various ABO/Rh blood groups in the study population. The database so created would probably be of help in blood transfusion services particularly in this locality. This is a cross sectional study in which blood groups were determined for 1809 HIV seropositives(1749 adults and 60 paediatric) at blood bank of a tertiary care hospital in Karnataka, India, during the period April 2004 to January 2010. Informed consent had been taken from the patients to perform the test. The ABO and Rhesus(Rh) blood grouping was done by a simple tile method. 6 A drop of blood from each subject was placed on a clean white tile in three places. A drop of each of the antisera, anti A, and anti B and anti D was added and mixed with each blood sample with the aid of glass rods. Blood groups were determined on the basis of agglutination. 7 The HIV seropositive status was con fi rmed by standard ELISA/RAPID tests according to National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) guidelines at the Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (ICTC). According to the earlier guidelines, HIV testing was con fi rmed by ELISA. Revised guidelines follow strategy 3 i. e. using 3 rapid tests for con fi rmation of positive status. 8 Baseline CD4 cell counts were done for all the participants of the study at the Department of Microbiology. The blood group of the control population was obtained from the records of 1168 consecutive personnel maintained at the blood bank of the hospital. Control group was included in this study in order to create a database and also compare the distribution of blood groups among seropositives against the general population so as to determine any signi fi cant correlation if present. Age, gender, blood group and CD4 data were compiled and subjected to relevant statistical analysis using SPSS Version 16. Blood grouping was done for 1749 adult HIV seropositives, 60 paediatric HIV seropositives between the age group of 18 months and 70 years. The adult seropositive group consisted of 1030(58.9%) males and 719 (41.1%) females. The paediatric seropositive group consisted of 25 (41.7%) males and 35 (58.3%) females. The control group comprised 1130 adult and 38 paediatric individuals. The adult controls comprised 662(58.6%) males and 468 (41.4%) females. The paediatric age group consisted of 16(42.1%) males and 22(57.9%) females The adults seropositive group had 1649(94.28%) Rhesus positive blood group while 100(5.72%) were Rhesus negative. In the paediatric seropositive group 59(98.53%) were Rhesus positive and one (1.66%) was Rhesus negative. In the adult control group 1067(94.33%) were Rhesus positive and 64(5.67%) were Rhesus negative while in the paediatric control group 36(97.36%) were Rhesus positive while 1 (2.63%) were Rhesus negative as shown in Table1.
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