English, asked by Namansen5672, 10 months ago

Make a voice chart make voice chart


Answered by crazeehpfan



Tense Active voice Passive voice

Simple present tense Verb form: first form of the verb


They speak English here.

He speaks English.


Verb form: is / am / are + past participle form of the verb


English is spoken here.

English is spoken by him.


Present continuous tense Verb form: is/am/are + -ing form of the verb



She is writing a letter.

I am learning my lessons.

You are making a cake.

Verb form: is/am/are + being + past participle form of the verb



A letter is being written by her.

My lessons are being learnt by me.

A cake is being made by you.


resent perfect tense Verb form: has/have + past participle form of the verb




I have written a novel.

She has finished the job.

You have written letters.

Verb form: has/have + been + past participle form of the verb




A novel has been written by me.

The job has been finished by her.

Letters have been written by you.

Simple past Verb form: past tense form of the verb



I wrote a letter.

Ram broke a glass.

You missed the chance.

Verb form: was/were + past participle form of the verb



A letter was written by me.

A glass was broken by Ram.

The chance was missed by you.


Past continuous tense Verb form: was/were + -ing form of the verb



I was learning my lessons.

She was writing a report.

They were making toys.

Verb form: was/were + being + past participle form of the verb



My lessons were being learnt by me.

A report was being written by her.

Toys were being made by them.


Past perfect tense Verb form: had + past participle form of the verb



I had finished the project.

She had learned her lessons.

Verb form: had + been + past participle form of the verb



The project had been finished by me.

Her lessons had been learned by her.

Simple future tense Verb form: will/shall + first form of the verb



I will finish the job.

She will solve the problem.

Verb form: will/shall + be + past participle form of the verb



The job will be finished by me.

The problem will be solved by her.

Future perfect Verb form: will/shall + have + past participle form of the verb



I will have finished the job.

She will have solved the problem.


Verb form: will/shall + have + been + past participle form of the verb



The job will have been finished by me.

The problem will have been solved by her.

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