make a word register of 8 words related with science and spirituality
Answer :
Four words related to science are :
1. Evolution
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'evolution' as 'Evolution is the process by which the physical characteristics of types of creatures change over time, new types of creatures develop, and others disappear.'
2. Discovery
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'discovery' as 'the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing that is found.'
3. Therapeutic
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'therapeutic' as 'causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy.'
4. Chronometer
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'chronometer' as 'a piece of equipment that measures time very accurately.'
Four words related to spirituality are :
1. Chant
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'chant' as 'to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously.'
2. Enlightenment
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'enlightenment' as 'in Hinduism and Buddhism, the highest spiritual state that can be achieved.'
3. Karma
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'karma' as '(in the Buddhist and Hindu religions) the force produced by a person's actions in one life that influences what happens to them in future lives .'
4. Meditation
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'meditation' as 'the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed.'