make acronym to remember first 30 elements
For remembering name of elements from atomic number 21 to 30, Mnemonics is as follows :
Science (Scandium-Sc)
Ticher (pronounced as Teacher) (Titanium-Ti)
Vinita (Vanadium-V)
Cruplani (i.e a kind of surname i.e Third name) (Chromium-Cr)
Mann se (it means “from heart”) (Manganese-Mn)
FeCoNi (it means “dont throw”) (Iron-Fe, Cobalt-Co, Nickel-Ni)
Cuda (it means “garbage”) (Copper-Cu)
In Zone. (Zinc-Zn)
Now, Trick to remember atomic mass of 21 to 30 elements :
Remember this magic nos. : 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 6, 5
(Something like this : 3, 3 times 45, 3, 6, 5)
Trick : Double of Atomic number + Magic no.
Elements Atomic no. Atomic mass
Scandium(21) - At mass : Double of 21(i.e 42) + 3 = 45
Titanium(22) - At mass : Double of 22(i.e 44) + 4 = 48
Vanadium(23) - At mass : Double of 23(i.e 46) + 5 = 51
Chromium(24) - At mass : Double of 24(i.e 48) + 4 = 52
Manganese(25) - At mass : Double of 25(i.e 50) + 5 = 55
Iron(26) - At mass : Double of 26(i.e 52) + 4 = 56
Cobalt(27) - At mass : Double of 27(i.e 54) + 5 = 59
Nickel(28) - At mass : Double of 28(i.e 56) + 3 = 59
Copper(29) - At mass : Double of 29(i.e 58) + 6 = 64
Zinc(30) - At mass : Double of 30(i.e 60) + 5 = 65
So here is the mnemonic for remembering 1 to 30 elements with their atomic number, atomic mass and name.