make an activity based on pascal law
It's been one and half year that world is fighting with virus called Corona. India
and other countries has developed vaccine against Corona virus.
Write an article on the working of vaccine, how vaccine helps to improve immune
system against virus. Activity: To know the difference between true solutions, colloids and suspension.
Prepare all the three types of solutions (Name them A, B and C) and after studying the
mechanisms involved, write the answers to the following questions in your Chemistry
notebooks. Describe the activity (with its aim, materials required, procedure, and
Q1. Were you able to see the particles in the mixture of any (A, B, and C)?
Q2. Have you observed the path of beam of light visible when passed through
beaker containing mixture?
Q3. Have you observed any settling of particles of the mixture after sometime or is
it stable?
Q4. Have you observed any residue left on the filter paper after filtration? It's been one and half year that world is fighting with virus called Corona. India
and other countries has developed vaccine against Corona virus.
Write an article on the working of vaccine, how vaccine helps to improve immune
system against virus.
I hope it's helping you