Physics, asked by roopalthakur, 1 year ago

Make differential equation


Answered by wajahatkincsem

A differential equation is the one that describes the low population change, how and why spring vibrates, and how energy moves from one point to another.


  • It is an equation that contains derivatives and these derivatives define the rate of change at a particular point.
  •  A differential equation also calculates the radioactive material decays.
  • It is mainly used in scientific fields such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Answered by suggulachandravarshi


In order to understand the behaviour of a physical system it may be necessary to set up a differential equation which relates the way in which the properties of the system depend upon one another. The simplest differential equation is. ... dxdy=f(x) and this can be simply integrated to give.

Differential equations involve the differential of a quantity: how rapidly that quantity changes with respect to change in another. For instance, an ordinary differential equation in x(t) might involve x, t, dx/dt, d2x/dt2 and perhaps other derivatives.

Hope it helps you...

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