English, asked by sprathmesh54, 7 months ago

Make précis and give a suitable title: Misers are generally characterized as men without honor or without humanity, who live only to accumulate, and to this passion sacrifices who live only to accumulate, and to this passion sacrifices the most of the joy of abundance, banish every pleasure and make imaginary wants real necessities. But few, very few, correspond to this exaggerated picture; perhaps there is not one in whom all these circumstances are found united. Instead of this we find the sober and the industrious branded by the vain and the idle with the odious appellation: men who by frugality and the idle with the obvious appellation; men who by frugality and labour, raise themselves above their equals and contribute their share of industry to the common stock. Whatever the vain or the ignorant may say, well where it for society had we more of this character among us. In general with these avaricious men we seldom lose in our dealings; but too frequently in our commerce with prodigality.


Answered by shineeMD


ch no probs kitty purr I am fine with me in the

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