English, asked by anitaghadge, 3 months ago

make sentence of your own... 1) Straight in the eye​


Answered by amanpanday2811


Straight in the eye​ to explain the truth.


If you look someone in the eye or look them in the face, you look straight at their eyes in a bold and open way, for example in order to make them realize that you are telling the truth. Browse alphabetically to look someone in the eye look sb in the face to look like death warmed over to look on the bright side to look one's best to look someone in the eye look sb in the face to look the other way to loom large to lose contact  words that begin with 'T'

Definition -Of to look someone in the eye look sb in the face from the Collins English Dictionary

Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries.You’ll see anything from dresses and heels to straight-from-the-beach shorts and tank tops, so walk in with what you’ve got on. Short, relevant answers to questions, witty responses, and a straight-to-the-point directness will do much to put the Moon-in-Gemini type way out in front.

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