English, asked by esaiganesh, 4 months ago

Make sentences in passive voice using the tenses in brackets. Add words where


1. Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT SIMPLE)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

2. The lawn – not mow –last week (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

3. The postman – not see – recently (PRESENT PERECT SIMPLE)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

4. The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th

century. (PAST SIMPLE)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

5. Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

6. The schoolhouse – repair – today (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

7. The prize – award – tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

8. After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

9. When I came in – the fridge – repair (PAST PROGRESSIVE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

10.The jewels – find – in the basement. (PAST SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

11.After the shop – close – it – sell (PAST PERFECT SIMPLE – PAST SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

12.Special technology – use (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

13.The thief – not find – by the police (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

14.The shop – close – next month (FUTURE SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

15.The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .​


Answered by basantiinsan223


great moter cycles are made by japan

Answered by igorkuffel00


1. Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT SIMPLE)

Great motorcycles are made in Japan.

2. The lawn – not mow –last week (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)

The lawn has not been mowed since last week.

3. The postman – not see – recently (PRESENT PERECT SIMPLE)

The postman hasn’t been seen recently.

4. The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th

century. (PAST SIMPLE)

The Gothic cathedral was built in the 10th century.

5. Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE)

Many languages are spoken in the EU.

6. The schoolhouse – repair – today (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

The schoolhouse is being repaired today.

7. The prize – award – tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)

The prize will be awarded tomorrow.

8. After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST SIMPLE)

After the accident Harry was taken to a doctor.

9. When I came in – the fridge – repair (PAST PROGRESSIVE)

When I came in the fridge was being repaired.

10.The jewels – find – in the basement. (PAST SIMPLE)

The jewels were found in the basement.

11.After the shop – close – it – sell (PAST PERFECT SIMPLE – PAST SIMPLE)

After the shop had been closed it was sold.

12.Special technology – use (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

Special technology is being used.

13.The thief – not find – by the police (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)

The thief has not been found by the police.

14.The shop – close – next month (FUTURE SIMPLE)

The shop will be closed next month.

15.The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE)

The cat is called Sissy.


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