English, asked by erickcespedes73, 24 days ago

Make sentences in passive voice using the tenses in brackets. Add words where necessary.
0.The cap – find – in the corner (PAST)The cap was found in the corner.
1. Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT )
2. The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th century. (PAST )
3. Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE)
4. After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST)
5.The jewels – find – in the basement. (PAST SIMPLE)
6.The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE)
7. BMW’s – make – in Germany (PRESENT)
8. English – speak – in this shop (PRESENT)
9. The oldest house – build – in 1575 (PAST)
10.The trees – cut down – last winter (PAST)
11. The car – find – in the garage (PAST)
12.Breakfast – serve – between 7 and 9 (PRESENT)
13.The dog – call- Rover (PRESENT)14. Hundreds of books – write – every year (PRESENT)
15.After the accident – Joe – take – to the hospital (PAST)


Answered by ruhi1364


0) corner had found the cap

1) Japan makes great motorcycles

3) EU speaks in many languages

2) 10th century had built the Gothic cathedral

4) doctor had been harried taken by after accident

5) basement was found in the jewels

6) sissy calls the cat

7) Germany makes BMW's

8) in the shop was spoken English

9)in 1575 was built the oldest house

11) the garage was found by car

10) last winter had cut down the trees

12) between 7 and 9 break fast serves

13) rovers calls the dog

14) every year hundreds of books are written

15) hospital had been taken to Joe after the accident

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