Make similes of your own. Do this as a pair activity. Have some As difficult as (this exercise, for example!) As easy as (this exercise, for example!) As delicious as As comfortable as As bad as As clever as As interesting as As nice as As red as As boring as Match the following to form Similes.
The online examination system has ushered a revolution in how examinations are being conducted traditionally. The online exam advantages are multifold, especially with the ongoing pandemic impacting the global education landscape. Online exams have ensured educational continuity, providing the option of taking an exam remotely in a secure virtual environment using the latest technology. There are several benefits of an online examination system as it is conducted digitally to evaluate students’ academic knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. It also offers creativity to devise new ideas and solutions. Typically, evaluations continue to be based on the pen-and-paper approach, wherein students are gathered and handed the question paper to be completed within the allotted time. Students submit their answer sheets, and examiners disclose their scores after the evaluation.
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