English, asked by gadhaveshubhamm2836, 1 year ago

make speech on the topic "to be healthy. keep your environment clean."


Answered by VineetaGara


Very good morning to one and all present here!

Today we have gathered here on the occasion of world environment day.

This is not merely a gathering to do few motivational pep talks and making speeches about keeping the environment safe and clean; it is rather a call of duty or an alarming day which requires every individual to get up and take action towards building our environment a better and secure place to thrive in.

We, humans, are irrational in our behaviour. To help you explain this statement better, we must understand our actions are so different than our words.

One such example of this rational behaviour is that the texts in books and news on media platforms are effective enough for us to share and spread the word regarding the clean environment.

But my question is - are we really making a difference and contributing in shaping a healthy environment by just spreading the word?

What does it require for our attitude and good thoughts towards this news to actually make sense?

We need to get up, become "one" and help in cleaning our environment.

Let's start by avoiding throwing the garbage and litter by the roadside or throwing it randomly out of the balconies and windows.

This garbage might be or not be biodegradable. There are toxic materials like metal, plastic etc in them which may cause chemical reactions; leading to changes in fresh and harming the health of living beings.

So, for a start throw them in trash bins aligned at the roadside and outside your homes and streets.

Next, try keeping the water and air clean and fresh for if not others', at least your own survival.

The smoke from automobiles, cigarettes, burning harmful materials causes serious damage to the breathable air. It suffocates the air and prevents healthy respiration in living organisms.

When visiting heritage sites near water bodies and walking along drains, beaches or lakes, do not exploit and contaminate it by throwing garbage, spilling insoluble harmful substances or liquids and urinating into these water bodies.

It nullifies the basic properties of potable water or breathable air for us, thereby leading to various diseases and health problems.

Last, educate people about it, create awareness not by words but by showing them what to do and how to do.

  Use less electricity, shut down the power-led appliances and switch lights, fans, televisions and generators etc. when not needed.

    This will help to reduce and to prevent the problems of global warming which is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer and drastic climate changes.

   These changes are also responsible for causing deterioration in health and degradation of the environment.

I want to conclude my speech by saying at last, "to be healthy, keep your environment clean."


Answered by upenderjoshi28


To Be Healthy, Keep Your Environment Clean

Good morning everyone present; I am going to speak on ‘To Be Healthy, Keep Your Environment Clean’.  

There is direct relationship between our health and the quality of environment we live in. Unfortunately, unprecedented environmental degradation has been caused by man’s reckless activities.    

The canker of industrialization has converted every town and city into hell. Almost all the life-sustaining resources such as air, water, food, milk, fruits, etch have been made toxic. The sylvan beauty, which was so ubiquitous, has been replaced by factories and mills. The skyline that once was dominated by tall pines is an ugly sight of stacks spewing toxic fumes! The problems of Global warming, melting glaciers, decreasing forest covers, dwindling species of plants and animals, depleting ozone layer, etc. loom large on the future of mankind.

The task of conserving and preserving environment is quite Herculean.  The only solution to the critical environmental issues is people’s mass participation in saving the environment. Mass forestation drive, and stopping the use of fossil fuels altogether can solve this problem.

There are other alternative fuels available. The government must act strictly. There should be a ban on fossil fuels. The government must create forest belt near every city or town. Toxic emissions of industries must be strictly regularized.  Installation of toxic smoke and effluents treatment plants must be mandatory at every industrial unit. With these measures strictly and immediately implemented the environmental health will improve considerably. By maintaining purity of environment we will ensure better, healthy life for coming generations.

If we succeed in implementing all the above mentioned measures, we will be the beneficiaries; our coming generations will be able to live in a purer and healthier environment. This will be our best gift to them, as well as us.

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