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As a result, the exposure of children to violence leads to the development of negative behavioral patterns, such as violence and aggression that influence their social relations and may cause deviant behavior. Thus, the violence on television is dangerous because it has a negative impact on society.
Television, in itself, is not harmful. Television becomes harmful to the society when it is misused. The television is a domestic commodity of every house. It is a source of entertainment in hotels, restaurants, public places, railway stations, etc. It caters to the various needs of the society at large. Television has multiple channels and has a wide variety of programs.
Television shows can have different content. Some may be positively beneficial to us. Others may be shocking (e.g. violent) or harmful (e.g. propaganda for a harmful cause). The usage pattern of Television decides the outcome. Sometimes, the Television channels make a reckless display of semi-nude films, crime and rude behavior. The college and school students indulge in undesirable activities. The society at large becomes a prey of violence.
Sitting in a poor posture when watching television can harm our back and our eyes. If we become addicted to it, television can waste our time.
But, it is also through Television that we get information about the global investigations, conference of doctor, findings and remedies, etc.
It is the role of man who comes foremost. The TV has a powerful educative value. The quiz contests and intelligence programs to create consciousness of family control among the illiterate are done though television. Many other such educative programmes are being done though the television to good effect.
The television is typically an explicit means of entertainment. In general it shut our mind out. We are habituated to watch television regularly. But we also allow our children to watch vulgar activities on television. We should understand how it goes against our culture. Hardly anybody think of the harmful effects of such programmes. Had it been a bad film on the cinema hall, perhaps we would make sure that our children are not going to see the film. But at home, we do not hesitate in passing our time over such vulgar and rude scenes with our children.
Apart from news channels, the reality show also gives massive exposure to showcase the talent. Television news channels acts like the voice of the nation.