making of new India through biodiversity and agriculture prosperity
Atma Nirbhar Bharat: Making of a new India through Bio-Diversity and Agricultural Prosperity. While I exercise my rights I must not forget to undertake my duties to usher in an Atma Nirbhar Bharat. My physical fitness is my wealth that will build the human capital for Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Global agriculture is experiencing phenomenal changes due to technological revolution,
including digital revolution, sprawling urbanization, accelerated growth in middle income
groups, fast changing food habits and preferences, the market oscillations, and above all, due
to climate change and environmental degradation. These changes offer unique challenges and
opportunities to transform agriculture to be more productive, economically remunerative,
socially equitable and inclusive, and environmentally sustainable.
In India, during the last 50 years, with the ushering in of the Green Revolution in the mid-
1960s, followed by the White, Yellow and Blue Revolutions – collectively known as
Rainbow Revolution, overall agricultural and food production increased over four-fold,
several major commodities recorded 4 to 10 fold increases, foodgrains reaching nearly 290
mt, horticultural produce over 315 mt, milk production nearly 180 mt, and fish production
approaching 12 mt. India thus globally ranked among the top two producers of several major
commodities, rendering the country as the second largest agrarian economy in the world.
During the past couple of decades, the GDP overall growth rate has been around 7 to 8 per
cent per annum. These trends had transformed the country from the ship-to-mouth status to
the Right to Food Bill situation and India became a major agri-food exporter. These
developments had helped the nation in reducing its poverty and hunger levels by 50 to 70 per