English, asked by Aishwarya06, 1 year ago

Malaria and dengue which greatly affect the children are most common during the rainy season. write an article to create awareness among the students about the disease.


Answered by Anonymous

Heya! this is your article-          

                                Rainy Season Can Be Deadly 
                                                    By X.Y.Z 

Rainy Season is the most favourite season of the majority. People love rains, the smell of the sand, green tress and happy faces. But what if this entire scenario takes an entirely different approach? According to the latest surveys conducted by the World Health Organisation, increased number of malaria and dengue cases are reported. Unfortunately the stats are highest in the rainy seasons which is no surprise, as the collected water makes a great breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

Malaria and dengue are greatly affecting the health of children. Once the children come in contact with such disease spreading organisms, they catch the disease which further leads to fever, weakness and other such not so pleasant things. Which thus hampers the studies causing a great loss for the students.

Awareness among people should be spread regarding the same. The societies must take care and shouldn't let any water being collected anywhere. Be it in the coolers or the pits. One must not let water get collected. Mosquitoes repellents must be used. This rainy season, Let's say NO to Malaria and Dengue. 

amansingh4: it is very good short note about rainy season.
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