Maltego is an advanced querying tool that uses stateful session data models to complement user behavior analytics.
Description : Exabeam is a security intelligence solution that leverages existing log data to quickly detect modern cyber attacks, prioritize security incidents, and accelerate effective response. Unique among analytics products, Exabeam’s session data model automatically creates a complete timeline of every event and anomaly tied to an attack -- across devices, IP addresses, and credentials -- and uses that timeline to assess risk and automate many tasks of incident response. As a result, Exabeam not only improves security, but also transforms SOC efficiency and productivity. By operating on existing data and requiring no agents or network taps, Exabeam delivers value within hours, not weeks. Exabeam is privately funded by Norwest Venture Partners, Aspect Ventures and Investor Shlomo Kramer, and is headquartered in San Mateo, Calif.