English, asked by sushmeetkaur2005, 7 months ago

Man is becoming a main reason for spoiling his own life. Comment on the sentence
regarding Anthropogenic Global Warming.


Answered by saivivek16


Aloha !

\text{ This is Twilight Astro}^_^

Improvement in technology leads to increase in global warming on earth. And there is increase in no. of holes in ozone layer. This leads to raise in temperature.

Thank you

@ Twilight Astro ✌️☺️♥️


Answered by vijayachitti675


and international organisation international organisation call delta governor mental panel on climate change ipcc was formed to address this issue

it may it held many conferences to reduce w and try to slow down the process of Climate Change IPCC conference in Poland in 2013

none of these have been successful because of disagreement between developed countries and developing countries they are

developed countries want developing countries to cut down a burning coal and other activities that add green house gases to the atmosphere

developing countries say that their economic development will be seriously damaged if they don't burn fossil fuels in the process of industrial development

developing countries that developed countries should find alternative that can help in their progress

in the process of industrial revolution human beings are burning fossil fuels the burning of fossil fuels increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere this in turn increases the greenhouse effect for various reasons human beings are cutting down the forest due to deforestation the land laws is the able to absorb carbon for producing power coal is burnt and Die because of this carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere increases human beings are usingdifferent types of vehicles which are run by using petrol or diesel their image for human beings are using air conditioner refrigerator which amateur chloro fluoro carbons CFC

the atmosphere is keeping as wombat wrapping a lot of solar energy that reaches the Earth this is known as global warming and greenhouse effect this is very important for the life to exist on the earth the problem now is that the heating gives much Rapid and could lead it catastrophic changes as Global temperature increases the ice in the Tundra melts more than the ice melts in the Tundra region lot volume of Methane is released into the atmosphere this increases the temperature more faster and that and I share large volume of Methane is present this is more powerful than carbon dioxide as greenhouse gases does the increase in greenhouse gas at a very fast rate makes the human beings serious problems of surface survival

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