English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 11 months ago

Man is the most intelligent animal. What could be the fact that helped us to reach such a conclutssion?

AnswerStation: correcrion of your question - man is most greedy and swlfish man.....
AnswerStation: correction


Answered by sumitkumar895748


Man is the most intelligent animal in animal kingdom. 2) This is possible by well development of brain and its marvellous function. 3) Human brain has abilities to learn from concepts. 4) It understands, applies logic and reason.

Answered by sri2059


  • As we konow the man is most intelligent animal in animal kingdom of classification.
  • This is because of his brain function.Finctioning of brain is much different from all other kingdoms.
  • Brain has 3parts.
  • cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata.
  • And these controls our feelings like thinking capacity, emotions,maintains in equilibrium,reflex actions

  • Hope this will help u

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