Accountancy, asked by Jashandhiman04, 8 months ago

Man Mohan Ltd. issued 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows:
Applications were received for 1,60,000 shares out of which letters of regs
issued for 30,000 applications. Full allotment was made to applicants for
shares and the balance of shares were allotted pro-rata to the remaining appli
A shareholder holding 100 shares to whom full allotment was made failed
was made also failed to pay allotment money. On the first call there was a fi
Rs. 3 on application
Rs. 4 on allotment
Rs. 3 on first call
Rs. 2 on final call
allotment money. Another shareholder holding 200 shares to whom pro-rata alle
default on 300 shares.
All the shares with arrears were forfeited. The first lot of 300 shares (100+
were reissued at the rate of Rs. 8 per share as fully paid up.
Rs. 2
premium) a
issued for
8,000 shar
A shareho
was made
on 60 sha:
The first
Pass jour​nal entries​


Answered by shanusharma269


dddxdddddddddddddrddsstfkzjzifzizsyx NB. BBB NM. n bj. NM nk

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