English, asked by Sheroneashok45561, 8 months ago

Man Vs Nature blog example


Answered by dk0060543



Paraphrase of Man vs. Nature

An example of Man vs. Self is that your deciding on somthing but you can't figure out what to decided. Like what flavor of ice cream you would prefer at the moment.


A paraphrase of Man vs. Nature is that a character is having trouble with

With "man against self" conflict, the struggle is internal.This is a conflict that is usually associated with an external conflict. A character must overcome his own nature or make a choice between two or more paths - good and evil; logic and emotion.

Anytime a

character struggles with a moral dilemma or decision we see this at work.

Pharaphrase Of Man vs. Self

Definition of Man vs. Nature

Man vs. Self & Man vs. Nature

A paraphrase of the defenition Man vs. Self is that it is when a character is going through a crisis with themselves. This can happen with other types of conflict like Man vs. Nature.

The Definition of Man vs. Self is when a character is

struggling with themselves on the inside. This type of

conflict can occur with other conflicts as well.

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