Hindi, asked by Ak1234wdeqf, 3 months ago

मनुष्य केजीवन को सरस बनानेकेललए तरह-तरह केमनोरूंजन केसाधनों का आववष्कार हुआ है, उनमेंसेककनहीूंचार
मनोरूंजन केसाधनों का सधचत्र वर्शन करें| (300 शब्दों में)


Answered by Noobda444


Uses of Cotton

It is basically used for every type of clothing from jackets to normal shirts.

In home, it finds its use in bedsheets and curtains.

Its seed oil is used in food and cosmetics.

It is also used in coffee filters.

Its seeds are fed to cattle and crushed to make oil, rubber and plastics.


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