Business Studies, asked by aadi3356, 10 months ago

"Management is a series of continuous interrelated
functions Comment.


Answered by Pricilla


Management is a series of continuous interrelated functions. The process of mangement is a series of continuous composite, but seperate functions. It is a continuous process consisting of a series if functions like planning , organising , directing ,staffing and controlling. All the managers perform these functions regualarly. Management doesn't stop anywhere. It continues without breaks and exists as long as the organisation exists. There is an ongoing series of functions in which a manager is involved. The various tasks of a manager consists of an ongoing series of many functions because of which management is called as a series of continuous interrelated functions.

Answered by yashsingh8704


Management is a series of continuous interrelated functions as management includes the following function which are connected to each other and are performed continuously in an organisation.

1. Planning; Planning refers to deciding in advance what is to be done, when it is to be done, how it is to be done, where it is to be done and by whom it should be done so that to achieve organisational goals.

2. Organizing: Organizing refers to identifying and grouping different activities in the organization and bringing together the physical, financial and human resources to establish the most productive relations for the achievement of specific goals.

3. Staffing: Staffing refers to manpower planning to find the right person for the right job and ensuring that the employees are performing efficiently through training and development programs.

4. Directing: Directing refers to instructing, guiding, inspiring, and motivating the employees in the organisation so that their efforts results in the achievement of the organisation objectives.

5. Controlling: Controlling is a managerial functions where the actual performance of a company is compared with the planned one and deviations are recorded there upon. After which corrective actions are taken in order to match the actual performance with  the planned one.

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