mangal Pandey belong to the reglement
Who was Mangal Pandey? Mangal Pandey was an Indian sepoy in the service of the British East India Company. He was a Hindu of the aristocratic Brahman caste, which had been especially dispossessed under British paramountcy.
Died: April 8, 1857, Barrackpore
Born: July 19, 1827
Profession: Soldier
Nationality: India
Q1. Mangal Pandey belonged to which regiment ?
Ans. Pandey joined the army of the British East India Company in 1849, some accounts suggesting that he was recruited by a brigade that marched past him. He was made a soldier (sepoy) in the 6th Company of the 34th Bengal Native Infantry, which included a large number of Brahmans.
Q2. Who was Mangal Pandey ?
Ans. Mangal Pandey was an Indian sepoy in the service of the British East India Company. He was a Hindu of the aristocratic Brahman caste, which had been especially dispossessed under British paramountcy.
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