मञ्जूषा दिनद्वयस्य निवेदनम् गतरात्र्याः पीड़ितः, विद्यालयम् (5) प्रश्न 3-दिए गए संवाद को मञ्जूषा से देखकर पूरा कीजिए- अनुज:-त्वम् नव-कक्षायाम् कं विषयम् ग्रहीष्यसि? अमित:- अहम् तु संस्कृतं एव (1)---- । अनुजः-किमर्थं संस्कृतं एव? अमित:-(2)----संस्कृतं रोचते। अनुजः- परम् संस्कृत भाषा (3)---कठिना। अमितः-केन कथितम्? अनुज:- सर्वे एव (4)--- अमित:-ये जनाः संस्कृत भाषां नियमानुसार न पठन्ति ते एव इत्थम् (9) अनुज आम्। मञ्जूषा कथयन्ति,माम हिन्दीभाषायाः ग्रहीष्यामि वदन्ति
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you have read the lesson, Journey. The narrator didn't find the porter to carry his luggage. He was a bit worried. imagine that there was a discussion among the family members of the writer on the problem of who would carry the luggage.Now write a Play script involving the family members in the discussion. create characters like writer,his father, his mother, his wife etc.
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