'Manoj will sing a song' conver into passive voice
A song will be sung by Manoj.
A song- object comes before
Manoj- goes after
will sing (Simple Future) changes to will be sung *Note* its sung and not sang (sung is past participle of sing)
Hence, a song will be sung by Manoj.
A song will be sung by Manoj.
The sentence 'Manoj will sing a song', is in the active voice.
This is because the subject (Manoj) acts out the verb (sing) on the object (song).
To convert to passive voice from the active voice, swap the positions of the subject and object, make the verb act on the new subject and change the verb form to point to the new subject instead of the new object.
Therefore, the passive voice becomes: A song will be sung by Manoj.
New Subject: song, New Verb: (will be) sung, New Object: Manoj