Social Sciences, asked by incredible66, 1 year ago

Manufacturing has caused environmental pollution. However, they cannot be close.

What the conflicting human values brought out in the mentioned predicament?​


Answered by pramilasohu


manufacturing cause environmental pollution. However if we close them we will not get necessary thing manufactured in industries. The can also not develop without industries. Therefore we cannot close industries

Answered by Anonymous


Some of the points illustrated below will explain


Manufacturing is in alignment with the Industrialization since the late 19th century. It has become one of the major sources of pollution in today's world. The major source of pollution from the industry is of 5 types which are,

1. Air Pollution

2. Water Pollution

3. Noise Pollution

4. Land Pollution

5. Light Pollution

Conflicting values in the predicament are:

1. Profiteering

2. Domination

3. Greed to have more what one needs

4. Superiority Complex

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