manusmriti mein kitne Prakar ke Vivah ka ullekh Kiya gaya hai
Answer:There are eight different types of Hindu marriages according to Manusmriti, the law of Manu although not all of them have religious sanction
1. Brahma Marriage
With the consent of both parties, fixing the marriage of the girl from the right side of the same class is called 'Brahma Marriage'. Generally, after this marriage, the bride is given jewelery ornaments. Today's "Arranged Marriage" is a form of 'Brahmar marriage'.
2. Divorce
To give donation to your daughter in the form of value of any service work (especially religious rituals) is called 'Divine marriage'.
3. Affordable wedding
Getting married to a girl by giving the girl's value to her (usually by gaudan) daughter is called 'Ashsh Marriage'.
4. Prajapati Marriage
It is called 'Prajapati marriage' by marrying the bride from her elite caste without the consent of the girl.
5. Gandharva Marriage
It is called 'Gandharva Marriage', without the consent of the family members, marrying the bride and the bride without any customs.
6. Asur Marriage
Buying a girl (financially) is called 'Asur Marriage'.
7. Monsters Marriage
Forcibly marrying her by kidnapping her without the consent of the girl is called 'monster marriage'.
8. Pagan marriage
Taking advantage of the daughter's intemperate (intense sleep, mental impoverishment, etc.) and making her a physical relation and marrying her is called 'pacify marriage'. It is done till the killing of the family members of the girl.
मनुस्मृति के अनुसार विवाह के आठ प्रकार – ब्राह्म, दैव, आर्ष आदि (3)
अपनी पिछली पोस्टों (14 जनवरी तथा 28 जनवरी) धर्म एवं कर्मकांड संबंधी हिंदुओं के प्राचीन ग्रंथ मनुस्मृति में वर्णित विवाह के आठ प्रकारों – ब्राह्म, दैव, आर्ष, प्राजापत्य, आसुर, गान्धर्व, राक्षस, और पैशाच – का उल्लेख किया था । इनमें से प्रथम पांच की व्याख्या उपर्युक्त पोस्टों में की गई । अंतिम तीन (गान्धर्व, राक्षस, एवं पैशाच)