many chemicals react ________ in acid solutions .
A ) more quickly
B ) as quickly more
C ) more quick
D ) quicklier
Answered by
Many chemicals react _more quickly_______ in acid solutions .
- An adverb is a word that tells more of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
- An adverb has three degrees of comparison.
- They are positive, comparative and superlative.
- The comparative degree of an adverb is used when a comparison is made between two.
- The comparative degree is expressed by adding a suffix like -er to the adverb or the word 'more' before it.
- In the given sentence, many chemicals react ________ in acid solutions , a comparison is made about the way chemicals react in acid solutions.
- The adverb 'quickly' is used.
- The comparative degree of quickly is 'more'.
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Answered by
Many chemicals react more quickly in acid solutions.
Option: A
- Usually an adverb has 3 degrees of comparison. They are,
- Positive degree
- Comparative degree
- Superlative degree
- The comparative degree can be expressed by adding ‘er’ to the adverb. In some cases, we have to use the term ‘more’. In superlative degree, we can use ‘most’.
- In the given sentence, comparison is done between the chemicals reacting in acid solutions. Thus we have used ‘more quickly’ in the given sentence.
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