Biology, asked by 37153KHaywood, 1 month ago

Many organisms have unusual behaviors or characteristics when compared to similar organisms. For example, spiders are known for being almost completely carnivorous. They’ve evolved to have fangs and venom to help them catch and paralyze prey. However, scientists have recently discovered one unusual species of spider that eats an almost completely vegetarian diet.

Think of an organism you’ve heard of or read about that has a surprisingly unusual trait or behavior. How is this trait or behavior different from similar organisms? How does it help the organism survive in its environment?


Answered by ZareenaTabassum

Behaviors are governed by the induction of hormones.

  • Behaviors like feeding young ones, calling out when predators enter, etc., are usual behaviors observed in animals to protect themselves and young ones.
  • Some of the examples are:
  • Horned lizards squirt out blood from their eyes. These lizards shoot out blood from their eyes to make the predators fear to prey on this lizard.
  • Moths and butterflies drink animal tears. These insects drink tears from crocodiles, turtles, and mammals. These tears contain salt that provides nutrients.
  • Changing genders in clownfish. When the female matriarch dies, the largest male in the group converts into a female to take the lead.
Answered by vanessacontreras1623


I don’t know


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