Biology, asked by swarangi2710, 6 months ago

Many plants are growing in area further towards the poles as the climate warms.Explain why


Answered by devanshi55


Each species has a unique range, the set of locations where members of that species are found on Earth.

A species' range depends on the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) conditions it needs for survival and on geography.

The ranges of species and the distribution of biomes (types of ecosystems) are shaped by climate.

A place's climate depends on global patterns of solar energy input and air flow, as well as features like mountains and bodies of water.


Let's start off with a question: Where would you find a polar bear?

Like me, you may forget whether polar bears live near the North or South pole. (I looked it up: the answer is North!) Even so, you probably wouldn't look for one in, say, the rainforest or desert.

Polar bear walking in a snowy arctic landscape.

Polar bear walking in a snowy arctic landscape.

Image credit: Polar bear range map, by Patrick Kelley, U.S. Coast Guard, USGS, public domain

Let's think about why that's the case. Polar bears need certain conditions in order to live, thanks to the way their bodies are built and function. These conditions are found only in certain places. For instance, the thick fur coat that helps a polar bear survive in the cold would be useless (and even harmful) on hot day in the desert.

This is a general rule in ecology: each species is found only in a certain set of habitats out of the many on Earth. This occupied region is called the species' range. Some organisms have broader ranges than others, but no species is found everywhere. That's because different species have different needs, as well as different histories of dispersal, or how they've spread from place to place.

One of the most important factors determining where different species are found is climate, or long-term, typical weather conditions. In this article, we'll take a look at biogeography (the study of why different organisms are found in certain locations, in certain numbers) and how species ranges are affected by climate .


hope it helps you mate

Answered by muskandhinwa0703


at poles temperature is very low so only few plants which can thrive in cold habitats are found there but as the temperature is increasing due to global warming at poles temperature is going towards moderate temperature so many species [ almost 90% ] which can survive in moderate temperature are establishing there . this is the reason why plants are increasing towards poles now a days


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