Mark Antony proved that Caesar was not ambitious and this led to the down fall the conspirator explain in 200words
Mark Antony, with his powerful oratory skills succeeded in winning the mob over to his side. With the power of his words he touched the hearts of the people. He proved to the mob that Caesar was not ambitious. He exposed the wounded body of Caesar and showed the people the stab wounds made by the conspirators. He aroused the mob’s curiosity by repeatedly hinting at Caesar’s will. Antony told the mob that Caesar loved them and had made the Romans his heirs. His words were so powerful that the crowd turned against the conspirators.
hopes this helps. !!!!!!
Antony in his speech highlights the positive qualities ofJulius Caesar. Caesar was a great warrior, a formidable General who brought captives to Rome and tilled its coffers. He was valiant and fearless. Moreover, he was not ambitious, as projected by the conspirators. He had thrice refused the crown when he was offered. Caesar’s heart bled for the welfare of Rome and he had Roman interests on top of any other consideration. He had also bequeathed all his property, money, walks, chambers and orchards for the people of Rome. He was a champion of Roman liberty and wanted to make Rome a very powerful nation. Hearing all this, mob feel emotionally supportive of Antony and he was able to provoke them to rise against Brutus and others. Antony shows Caesar’s will gradually by increasing the suspense and by asking the conspirators to circle around it. First he shows his unwillingness to reveal it, which makes the Romans very excited. They are pleasantly surprised to discover that Caesar has left all his riches and belongings to them. All his walks, gardens, chambers, orchards for the use of local Romans. This makes all the Romans very emotional and they feel that Caesar has been wronged and rise to mutiny. The mob is basically fickle-minded. Firstly, they are swayed by the emotions of Brutus and support him. Later they feel emotionally supportive of Antony and get provoked to rise against Brutus and others.
He disproves Caesar’s ambition with three examples:
(a) gave ransom of captives to the treasury
(b) cried with the poor people
(c) refused the kingship that Antony offered him three times. He appeals to their emotions by showing Caesar’s dead body and appeals to their greed by reading the will.