mark primary stress on beautiful
mark primary stress on beautiful
BEAU-ti-ful /ˈbjuːtəf(ə)l/ There are three syllables and the stress of the first syllable is the strongest.
There are 3 syllables in the word beautiful
Divide beautiful into syllables:
- beau-ti-ful
Stressed syllable in beautiful:
- beau-ti-ful
How to pronounce beautiful:
- byoo-tu-full
It’s a three syllable word with stress on the first syllable. DA-da-da, beautiful.
For the B consonant sound the lips are together. B, b. Then for the EW as in FEW diphthong. For the first sound the tip will be down here, and the front part of the tongue will be touching the roof of the mouth about here.
For the OO vowel, the tongue will drag away from the roof of the mouth, and in the back it will lengthen towards the roof of the mouth, but not touch. Beau-, beau- And the lips do require to round a good bit for the OO part of that diphthong. Beau-, beau-.
Now we have a T reaching between two vowels, so this is going to be a flap T beau-d, beau-d. And in this unstressed syllable. We have the IH as in SIT vowel. Beauti-, beauti-.
And ultimately we have the F consonant sound, schwa dark L sound. -ful, -ful, -ful. Since this is in an unstressed syllable, we do have to be very quick, soft in pitch and may be with some of the energy of the voice seized out, -ful, -ful, -ful. Beautiful, beautiful.
To learn more about syllable