English, asked by ronychakraborty3111, 7 months ago

Mark stress in the following words:
Fulfil , blackbird , below , alone , vice chancellor, doctor, record , appointment , across , atone , balloon, automobile , deployment , sanitation , teacher , perhaps


Answered by rishi102684

The stress syllables of the words below have been indicated in bold as follows :-

Fulfill = Ful-fill

Blackbird = Bla-ckbird

Below = Be-low

Alone = A-lone

Vice chancellor = Vice Chan-cellor

Doctor = Doc-tor

Record = Re-cord (UK pronunciation) or Re-cord (US pronunciation)

Appointment = A-ppoint-ment

Across = A-cross

Atone = A-tone

Balloon = Ba-lloon

Automobile = Au-tomobile

Deployment = De-ploy-ment

Sanitation = San-itation

Teacher = Tea-cher

Perhaps = Per-haps

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