Mark stress the word(calculation)
your answer is given below:
I will separate syllables in these words with a vertical line "|" and mark the stressed syllable in each word with bold font.
e | xa | mine
e | xa | mi | na | tion
The word "examine" has three syllables with the stress on the second syllable. The word examination has five syllables with the stress on the fourth syllable.
a | ca | de | mic
a | ca | de | mi | cian
The word "academic" has four syllables with the stress on the third syllable. The word "academician" has five syllables with the stress on the fourth syllable.
fa | vor | ite
fa | vor | i | tis | m
The word "favorite" has three syllables with the stress on the first one. The word "favoritism" has five syllables, also with the stress on the first syllable.
ex | hi | bit
ex | hi | bi | tion
The word "exhibit" has three syllables with the stress on the second syllable. The word "exhibition" has four syllables with the stress on the third one.
go | vern
go | vern | ment
The word "govern" has two syllables with the stress on the first one. The word "government" has three syllables, also with the stress on first syllable.
English words can only have one dominant stressed syllable (a syllable is a fragment of a word as it is spoken audibly). If a word has more than one dominant stress then it is a hybrid word. Hybrid words become 'proper' words when it has been established where the dominant stress goes. For example, Sat-Nav is usually said (in the everyday language) with the stress on the first syllable 'Sat'.
Ex-am-ine has 3 syllables and the 2nd is the stressed one ('ex' is a prefix).
Ex-am-in-a-tion has 5 syllables and the 4th one (penultimate one) is the stressed one ('tion' is a suffix).
Ac-a-dem-ic has 4 syllables and the 3rd one (penultimate one) is the stressed one ('ic' is a suffix).
Ac-a-dem-i-cian has 5 syllables and the 4th one (penultimate one) is the stressed one ('cian' is a suffix).
Fa-vour-ite has 3 syllables and the 1st is the stressed one (the typical pattern for most words).
Fa-vor-i-tis-m has 5 syllables and the 1st is the stressed one (this is typical for words ending in 'ism' unless they have suffices, eg 'multi-cuturalism', which in any case is hyphenated so isn't strictly one word but two).
Ex-hi-bit has 3 syllables and the 2nd is the stressed one (again, 'ex' is a prefix).
Ex-hi-bi-tion has 4 syllables and the 3rd (penultimate one) is the stressed one ('tion' is a suffix, and the same pattern applies as for 'ex-am-ine' and 'ex-am-in-a-tion').
Go-vern has 2 syllables and the 1st is the stressed one (the typical pattern for most words).
Go-vern-ment has 3 syllables and the 1st is the stressed one (although 'ment' is a suffix it does not affect the position of the stress of a word).