mark the stress for the word transit
Mark The Stress In The Following Words
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,academic, academician
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,academic, academicianfavourite, favoritism
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,academic, academicianfavourite, favoritismexhibit, exhibition
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,academic, academicianfavourite, favoritismexhibit, exhibitiongovern, government
Mark The Stress In The Following WordsMark the stress in the following words:examine, examination,academic, academicianfavourite, favoritismexhibit, exhibitiongovern, governmentThe stresses in the following words would be marked in bold as e-xa-mine, exami-na-tion, aca-de-mic, acade-mi-cian, fa-vorite, fa-voritism, ex-hi-bit, exhi-bi-tion, go-vern, and go-vernment.