Biology, asked by Rahulpachauri9086, 6 months ago

Marsupial mole rats evolved in New Zealand in the 1700s and had few natural predators so they overpopulated the area. Scientist developed a virus to bring their numbers down, which was successful for awhile. After several generations though, their numbers began to increase. Why? *
A. Marsupial mole rats mated with other mole rats and created a new species.
B. Marsupial mole rats learned to survive regardless of being sick.
C. Some marsupial mole rats had a natural immunity to the virus.
d. Marsupial mole rats changed their reproductive cycle and were able to reproduce more.


Answered by mohantyayanshu


option option b


As they adapted themselves to protect to come out and be safe at home. And mate at different timings and reproduce new ones.

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