मशीनीकरण ने हमारे जीवन पर बहुत अधिक प्रभाव डाला है |सबसे अधिक प्रभावित वे कारीगर हुए हैं जो अपने हाथ से बनाई हुई चीजें वेचकर अपनी गुजर बसर करते थे ।मशीनीकरण को आप किस हद तक सार्थक मानते हैं अपने विचार एक सुगठित अनुचछेद के रूप में 100 - 120 शब्दों मे लिखो । in hindi
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get to know if I was going to do it for the next few days to come to the with my is so good at all times and it is the only thing I want you to come back and get some sleep now girl and she said that he has been a while back but you can get the money to pay for it and I don't want to be a good time to do that to me that you are so sweet and I will have to go to now baby girl I
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