Master Control Station provides commands, keeps control and uploads navigation messages and other data to the GPS satellites through
Monitoring stations
Standby MCS
Antenna of MCS
Ground Antenna
he GPS Ground Segment (also referred to as Control Segment or Operational Control System) is the responsible for the proper operation of the GPS system.
The GPS Control Segment is composed by a network of Monitor Stations (MS), a Master Control Station (MCS), a backup of the MCS and the Ground Antennas (GA).
The Master Control Station (MCS) processes the measurements received by the Monitor Stations (MS) to estimate satellite orbits (ephemerides) and clock errors, among other parameters, and to generate the navigation message. These corrections and the navigation message are uploaded to the satellites through the Ground Antennas, which are co-located in four of the Monitor stations (Ascension Island, Cape Canaveral, Diego Garcia, and Kwajalein).