Match the following
1) Agreement. a) Indigo Production
2) Blue rebellion. b) satta
3)The Indigo commission. C)
Andhra pradesh
4)Mahatma Gandhi. d) 1859
5)Kalamkari print e) champaran movement
Fig. 1 – Robert Clive
accepting the Diwani
of Bengal, Bihar and
Orissa from the Mughal
ruler in 1765
The Company Becomes the Diwan
On 12 August 1765, the Mughal emperor appointed the East India
Company as the Diwan of Bengal. The actual event most probably
took place in Robert Clive’s tent, with a few Englishmen and
Indians as witnesses. But in the painting above, the event is
shown as a majestic occasion, taking place in a grand setting.
The painter was commissioned by Clive to record the memorable
events in Clive’s life. The grant of Diwani clearly was one such
event in British imagination.
As Diwan, the Company became the chief financial
administrator of the territory under its control. Now it had to
think of administering the land and organising its revenue
resources. This had to be done in a way that could yield enough
revenue to meet the growing expenses of the company. A trading
company had also to ensure that it could buy the products it
needed and sell what it wanted.
3 Ruling the Countryside