match the following A. age of fossil B. snail C. planaria option 1. can change sex 2. eye -spot for the first time 3. fossil dating 4.reptilia ?
age of fossils: fossil dating
can change sex:snail
eye spot for the first time: planaria
- Age of the fossil can be determined by relative dating or absolute dating techniques. In relative dating the date of the fossil is determined in relation to the rocks or strata found in the close proximity of the fossil. The absolute dating uses the radioactive isotopes for determining the age of the fossil. It is like a geological clock.
- The snails change their sex due environment, or behavioral change. The snail may suffer from isolation which can cause sex change. The small penis in male shrinks up to develop female reproductive parts.
- The planaria has the eye spots to detect the intensity of the light. The eye-spot act as a photoreceptor.
Learn more about age of fossil:
How can you determine the age of the fossils: age of the fossils? :
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Learn more about snail:
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Learn more about planaria:
What is planaria?:
Explain fragmentation in planaria:
A. Age of fossil - fossil dating
B. Snail - eye spot for the first time
C. Planaria - can change sex
- Fossils are hard part from the dead remains of animals and molluscs. They stay in the ground and remain for a long time. Fossils are very important for dating the age of so many substance.
- They are used for detecting the age of the rocks. Snails are small molluscans. Molluscs have the characteristic of having eye spot for the first time.
- Planaria are hermaphrodite animals. Hence they can change sex. They belong to the phylum platyhelminthes or flat worm.
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