Social Sciences, asked by ramikhushio31, 1 month ago

Match the following plz give answer of this match​



Answered by CaptainBrainly


1. Samrat Samudragupta - The title of the Lord of South.

Samudragupta was one of the greatest monarchs in the history of ancient India. He was the son of Chandragupta - I. He maintained good relations with Ceylon kings. He is considered as the Indian Napoleon.

2. Kumar Gupta - Establishment of Nalanda University.

Kumar Gupta was the founder of Nalanda University. Nalanda University is located in present day Bihar and it was one of the famous educational institutions in those times.

3. Emperor Vikramaditya - The golden age of the Gupta Age.

Chandragupta - II was surnamed as the Vikramaditya. He was the most powerful ruler of Gupta empire. Under his reign the Gupta empire reached it's zenith.

4. Emperor Harshavardhana - Friendship with other countries.

Harshavardhana belonged to the Pushyabhuti dynasty. He maintained good relations with other countries. He made diplomatic alliances with China envoys.

5. Banabhatta - Author of Harshacharitham

Banabhatta was the court poet of King Harshavardhana Harshacharitham is a biography of king Harshavardhana.

Answered by Anonymous


Required Answer :-

Samrat Samudragupta => Title of lord of South

Kumar Gupta => Established of Nalanda University

Emperor Vikramaditya => The Golden age of Gupta age

Emperor Harshvardhan => Friendship with other kingdom

Banabhatta => Author of Harshachartiram

Explanation :-

  1. Samudragupta belong from the Gupta's Kingdom. He was the Son of Chandragupta. He was one of the most powerful of Gupta's period. He conquered south of India. So he get the title of Lord of South
  2. Kumar Gupta was the son of Chandragupta II. He belong to Hinduism. He had made at least 18 inscription. Once, he go to Nalanda and he made the Nalanda University. It is one of the most oldest University.
  3. He was the very powerful king. He was an ideal king. He became the Vikram Samrat after the Shakya clan. He was the legend of Tamil.
  4. He was also known as Harsha. He ruled over north India like Bihar, etc.
  5. Banabhatta was a Sanskrit writer. His poetry was one of the best poetry of the world. He wrote the book Harshachartiram
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