English, asked by blackdevil143, 4 months ago

Match the words under Column 'A' with their meanings under Column 'B':
Column 'A' Column 'B'
Inherit To consider
Measures To appear threateningly
Loom To receive
Speculate methods


Change the narration of the following:
1 said to her, "I am sorry".
2. He said to me, "will you come to the party tonight?"
3. She said, "Alas! My only son died."
4. She said to me, "you should follow doctor's advice!"


Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals: 1. The doctor knew that the patient______die.
2. I expect that I_____pass.


Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:
1 He is_____man who beat me.
I saw_____dogg in the street.​


Answered by sampurna128


A)1. He told her that he was sorry

2.He asked me if I would come to the party that night.

3.He exclaimed with sorrow that his only son had died.

4.He told me that I should follow the doctor's advice.


B) will, shall

C) 1. The, a

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