Hindi, asked by farzanaroni2548, 14 hours ago

मध्यप्रदेश विधानसभा की रचना शकति एवं कार्यों का वर्णन कीजिए​


Answered by fersinahmedsaleempc



Answered by rajwinderkaurbains86


Kara is the main focus of this book, she is young but is stubborn as a mule. Her Dad, Jim is trying to keep a job at the Merry Mermaid until the end of summer when it closes he is just trying to keep things simple & trying to keep his daughter safe. They are living with Kara's Dad's Sister, Bev along with her bun in the oven, her daughter Daisy & husband Tom. This story takes place in the schoolyard, Kara's Aunt Bev's house, the beach, Felix's house, the ocean & the cove.

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